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Make your own SilNylon Tarp

diy tarp tent: foul weather door
diy tarp tent: foul weather door (Photo credit: eggrole)

I’d love to be able to run out and get a cuban fiber lightweight tarp, but that’s just going to happen right now.  It’s not always the worst thing in the world to not be able to afford the latest greatest, it gives you a chance to do it yourself.

Making some homemade silnylon may be a good comprise on price and weight.  I already have some rip-stop fabric that we got two pieces sewn together to make it wide enough to be colder weather tarp.  Just need to find the time to hem the edges to keep it from fraying and add some grommets or webbing loops.

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We’re getting ready to head out on a overnight camping trip, wish I had this done.  It will be much lighter than the regular tarp I’m taking.

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